Why this project and why now?

Wow, guys, I'm so humbled!  After publishing the site and first blog post, I received so many encouraging comments and messages I was just overcome with gratitude!  Thank you for your support and encouragement!  This also tells me that we have a topic that needs to be explored and discussed.  I'm glad others are feeling the same way. 

I've thought all week about what the second blog post should be.  Truly, I didn't need to think too much because life was trying to tell me all week long.  


The last 3 weeks have been wonderfully chaotic.  There's been some travel and life-long memories made (I ran the Chicago marathon and traveled with some of my best girlfriends), so while things have been busy, they've been busy in a good way.  Trying to fit a 5-day work week into 4 days, for 2 weeks in a row, is definitely a challenge.  Trying to do that for 4 weeks in a row isn't something I should do...but I did.   My daughter and I have the opportunity to go back to Chicago and participate in a personal development workshop for the weekend.   It's a blessing that this was financially covered and we have friends that are going (one is even bringing her daughter that is the same age as mine).  It's an opportunity I couldn't say no to.  The timing, however, is less than ideal.  I'm in constant "catch-up mode" from the busy weeks before this one, and my calendar is so booked I have to scroll to read all my appointments.  Which is why I missed THREE this week.  Three appointments that had been booked for weeks, were clearly on my calendar, I went over them in my head when thinking about my daily schedule, and yet I completely spaced out and didn't go to them.  And I mean, I totally spaced...so badly that I didn't even catch myself remembering late.  There was no "Oh shoot! I forgot about this!  Hurry kids, get in the car, we can still make it!"  There was no "Whoops, I dropped the ball on that one but I'll call and see what we can do."  All three times the other party actually called me, and I was so busy working that I didn't answer, and then hours later got the messages.  

Well, crap. 

If you know me in real life, you know this is completely out of character.  I actually pride myself on being able to juggle a trillion things at once and manage multiple schedules with ease.  So much for that.  When I retrieved those voicemails hours later, I sheepishly called the other party and profusely apologized and rescheduled.  I really dislike letting others down, but what this repeated mistake taught me is that I need this fourteen40 more than I think I even realized.  I need to slow down.  I need to refuel and revitalize.  And if I don't, my body and mind are going to force me to.

Tomorrow, as I mentioned, my daughter and I get to head out of town on a mini girls weekend.  Yes, it's to a conference, but it's a very engaging and interactive one, and it should be a wonderful opportunity for both of us.  What exactly will we be learning?  Well, I'll report back on that once the weekend is complete.  But what I do know is that I am taking a step back.  Normally I would take my laptop and work on the flight up and back (like many people do, there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, when I was writing my dissertation I LOVED working on planes because there were no distractions!).  

But not this time.  Normally I would still take work calls on Friday and Monday even though I am out of town.  

But not this time.  This time is different.  

I have a changed mindset, and I have a 10-year-old girl that is going to be watching.  What example do I want to set for my daughter?  I want her to see a strong, smart, businesswoman, but more importantly, I want her to see her Mom.  I want her to see her Mom putting her first and taking time to really connect with her.  We have time before the conference starts and she asked to go to the American Girl Doll Store.  (Again, if you know me in real life, you know I'd rather do just about anything else than go there.)   Really? That's where you want to go?  That's where she wants to go.  So I'm going to put her in my fourteen40 and take her there.  We will go see a few other things she asked to see, and during this time, I will not be taking phone calls or answering emails.  I will put us at the front of the line.  I will recharge and fill my cup by being able to see her enjoy her time there.  And I will not stand off in the corner on my phone while she looks around.

So that's why this project and that's why now.  Because time is passing.  My kids are growing.  One day, in the not so distant future, my daughter will be a teenager and she will likely feel like me and not want to go to a doll store.  Shoot, at that point she may not even want to take a weekend trip with her mom.  I do NOT want to look back and think, "Were those phone calls and emails more important than her?" Or,  "Was it more important to get ahead on some projects and work on some reports on the plane instead of snuggling her and taking a little cat nap?"  The answer is clearly NO.  I don't get this time back.  After these wonderfully chaotic weeks and me trying to repeatedly put more activity into less time, life is forcing me to slow down.  I need to pay attention and make sure that I am consciously putting time in my fourteen40 to put myself and my well-being first; and part of that includes putting my kids in my day and pouring attention and support into them with some quality one-on-one time.  Not time that we spend in the car rushing from practice, to practice, to dinner, to game, to wherever the heck we are going next that usually isn't home to rest.  Sometimes, the best gift you can give yourself is quality time with your family that is uninterrupted.  No rushing.  No work interruptions.  No distractions (oh yeah, I'm definitely guilty of that).  Just you and your loved one(s).  Does that fill your cup and revive your soul?  I would argue it would.  I think it should.  

I'm genuinely excited about having more time for my daughter and me in the next few days.  I'm thrilled that more time than normal (ok, way more time) will be spent on soul-nurturing activities and conversations with her.  I hope you do the same.  I'll report back how the weekend went and pass on any helpful tips I learn.  Thanks for being with me on this new journey and I pray we all continue to work on putting ourselves first for at least some of our 1,440 minutes that God gives us each day.  

Forgetfully yours,
